Applied¦s patented CodeTAP*-XA (extended architecture) in-circuit emulator is used for 80C186 development and debugging. Its high-performance ICE features and compact profile make it useful for both hardware and software engineers.
At its heart is a dual-processor architecture featuring Intel¦s bondout technology, which means you get access to the internal execution unit of the 80C186 and visibility of the prefetch queue instead of synthesized information from an external bus. And if your target crashes you don¦t need to restart your debug session. CodeTAP-XA¦s continuous target monitoring system detects conditions such as hung bus cycles, and low target power, letting you debug right through them.
Included are a 4K deep x 64-bit wide fully dynamic trace buffer, target monitoring and diagnostics, extensive breakpoint capability, dual RS-232 (115Kbaud) and high-speed (7MB/min) RS-422 communications. CodeTAP-XA also incorporates a powerful event system with 24 comparators, and up to 1 MB of zero wait state overlay memory. Integrated support for Real-Time Operating System kernels provides visibility of target/OS interactions. An interval timer provides statistical measurements of code, and external triggering capability supports logic state analysis. Manufacturing or field testing is supported with powerful macros, clip-on adapter support, standalone mode, and portable communications.
The award winning Paradigm DEBUG* interface includes custom peripheral register views for all 80C186 peripherals and accepts code from a wide variety of compilers. And with the same user interface on CodeTAP-XA and our CodeTAP and EL 1600 emulators, you get a consistent debugging environment with reduced learning curves and higher productivity.